
5 Tips for Homebuyers Who Want to Make a Competitive Offer


Today’s real estate market has high buyer interest and low housing inventory. With so many buyers competing for a limited number of homes, it’s more important than ever to know the ins and outs of making a confident and competitive offer. Here are five keys to success for this important stage in the homebuying process. 1. Listen to You ...

Key Terms to Know in the Homebuying Process [INFOGRAPHIC]


Some Highlights Buying a home can be intimidating if you’re not familiar with the terms used throughout the process. To point you in the right direction, here’s a list of some of the most common language you’ll hear along the way. The best way to ensure your homebuying process is a positive one is to find a real estate professio ...

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Your House May Be High on the Buyer Wish List This Holiday Season


Around this time each year, many homeowners decide to wait until after the holidays to sell their houses. Similarly, others who already have their homes on the market remove their listings until the spring. Let’s unpack the top reasons why selling your house now, or keeping it on the market this season, is the best choice you can make. This ...