
3 Reasons to Be Optimistic about Real Estate in 2021


This year will be remembered for many reasons, and optimism is one thing that’s been in short supply since the spring. We’re experiencing a global pandemic, social unrest, an economic downturn, and natural disasters, just to name a few. The challenges brought on by the health crisis have also forced many homeowners to reevaluate their ...

The Holidays Aren’t Stopping Homebuyers This Year


Black Friday and Cyber Monday are behind us, yet finding the perfect holiday gifts for friends and family is certainly still top of mind for many right now. This year, there’s another type of buyer that’s very active this holiday season – the homebuyer. Each month, ShowingTime releases their Showing Index whic ...

5 Steps to Follow When Applying for Forbearance


If you’re currently feeling the stress of affording your mortgage payment, or if you know someone who is, there’s still time to get help. For homeowners experiencing financial hardship this year, the CARES Act provides mortgage payment deferral options, creating much-needed relief in these challenging times. It’s important, howev ...

Winning as a Buyer in a Sellers’ Market [INFOGRAPHIC]


Some Highlights Buying a home in today’s sellers’ market doesn’t have to feel like an uphill battle. Here are four ways to make sure you’re positioned for success when making a home purchase, even when the scale tips toward sellers. Let’s connect to make sure you’re armed for victory in the housing market this ...